Hill City’s Beautification Walk

It was back in 1985 when Hill City neighbors formed the Hill City Neighborhood Association. The association was very much into keeping their community clean and they took extreme pride in doing so. They called their clean up day “Sparkle Day”.

Today we call it Hill City’s Beautification Walk.

In the late winter of 2024, a group of neighbors decided to pull together once again and clean up the massive amounts of garbage that was accumulating in our community. The neighbors felt the necessity to meet once a month to keep the cleanliness consistent. As the group grew we then decided to have shirts made in a bright neon yellow reading “Hill City: Keeping Our Community Clean” in hopes to be recognized for all the hard work that went into keeping our neighborhood clean for ALL to enjoy.

The walk is still going strong and it is never too late to join in on all the fun. The founding members would be so proud to know their legacy is going strong.

If you are interested in participating, just bring yourself, kids, significant other, a friend, or another neighbor, and join in on the community fun. All supplies are provided.


  • When: The first Saturday of every month (rain or shine—and even in the snow!)

  • Time: 8:30–10:30am (or whenever you have had enough)

  • Place: North Chattanooga Community Center at 406 May St. in Hill City

Let’s be an example to other communities by showing them the pride we take in our neighborhood!

Photo Credits: Mary Westbrook and Grant Zeimet.


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